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Why Honey Brook?

The needs of our neighbors can be summed up by these key data points:

10% poverty

The poverty rate in Honey Brook is 10%. This compares with 6% in Chester County as a whole.

39% of elementary students

In Twin Valley School District, 39% of elementary students receive free or reduced lunches.

22.8% poverty among children

The poverty rate among children in Honey Brook under age 18 is 22.8%—that's more than triple the rate of 7.5% among children in Chester Country as a whole.*

7% of seniors

The poverty rate among seniors age 65 and older in Honey Brook is 7%. This compares with 5% across Chester County.

19 mobile home communities
Honey Brook is home to 19 mobile home communities—including 15 along Route 322 that house nearly 1,000 units.**


*Margin of error: 10%. **19 Mobile Home Parks near Honey Brook, PA.” MHVillage, MHVillage Inc. , Accessed 5 June 2024. 

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